Volume II Issue 1
February 2021
Dale Hargrove Alderman, Chair of the Hanover County Republican Committee – A New Year’s Perspective
The Hanover County Republican Committee is opening the new year with a new Educational Lecture Series that will kick off this month at Life Church in Mechanicsville on Monday, March 15 at 6:30 pm.
Our guest speaker will be Jason Miyares, who is running on the Republican ticket for Attorney General. His topic will be very timely subject “The Dangers of Socialism”. Jason’s mother fled the horrors of Communist Cuba at a young age to start a new life in free America. In America, she successfully forged that life while raising three sons in Virginia Beach.
Over the past two months, I have received scores of phone calls from Hanover County residents interested in working with the Hanover Republican Committee to elect Republicans at all levels of the County. Some have also expressed interest in running for office as well. All our Magisterial District Chairmen are interviewing these new recruits to find good spaces for them within our organization.
In the wake of the November election, I shared many residents’ fury at what appears to have been a stolen presidential election. I also shared their fury at the lack of leadership shown by Republican leaders in Congress in their failure to back the president Donald Trump. It is tough to see that many top Congressional Republicans prefer their positions to hold prestige without responsibility instead of using their power to save this country. If these men and women prefer to hold ceremonial positions, then maybe they should not be holding any positions at all. It is clear that these Republicans and Democrats are happy to sell out the middle and working classes of the United States, in order to make millions in a system rigged against us and even more unsettling in some cases doing business with our enemy China.
For that reason, we must build a more efficient system from the ground up to elect conservative Republicans to every office in Hanover County. A well-run locality, state, and country requires good people in positions at every level, from supervisor to constitutional offices all the way up to president. Possibly most important, conservatives must make sure that our children are not being taught to hate us in schools. Our supervisors must appoint conservatives to local school boards. The people calling to join our Republican Committee want ACTION, not idleness. We must not let ourselves hold ceremonial positions. It is time we take back the Republican Party and that starts locally.
If you want more information on the November election, please read this article that was written in the corporate press outlet “Time Magazine”. The Democrats are openly bragging about what they did to “take out” Donald Trump. For an excellent response from a conservative perspective, you can read this article at The Federalist.
The Hanover County Committee is planning to start voter registration again at Greentop Sporting Goods. We would like lots of volunteers, so please email or call Hannah Kraynak at (804)746-4116 or hapyhannah@comcast.net or Tina Steenburgh at (804)467-4946 or tinasteen56@aol.com.
Successful Texas Businessman John Poindexter has most graciously given the Hanover County and New Kent Republican Committee his beautiful estate Cumberland (in New Kent) for no costs. This is wonderful! We are thinking about having the dinner around Labor Day so it is still light outside, and people can take in the view. We will provide details as we get them.
The scholarship program for graduating High School Seniors will be accepting applications through the month of March. Applications and details will be available on our website at the end of February. Email scholarshiphrc@gmail.com for further information.
It is tough to find any media sources that give out truthful news. Listed below are some examples of places to investigate now that Rush Limbaugh has sadly passed on….Millions of us have listened to him since the early 1990s.
Washington Examiner – subscribers.washingtonexaminer.com
Washington Times – www.washingtontimes.com
The Epoch Times – Epoch.Sample.com or (917) 905-2080
Washington Times – www.washingtontimes.com
The Epoch Times – Epoch.Sample.com or (917) 905-2080
Citizen Free Press
Populist Press
Citizen Free Press
Populist Press
Interesting Reads
“Socialists Don’t Sleep Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall” – Cheryl K. Chumley
“Hidden Hand Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party Is Reshaping The World” – Clive Hamilton & Mareike Ohlberg
“Infiltration The Plot To Destroy the Church From Within” – (taking down of the Catholic Church) – Taylor R. Marshall
“Plundered” – How Progressive Ideology Is Destroying America – Michael S. Coffman
“An American Prophecy The Fourth Turning- What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny” – William Strauss and Neil Howe